Singapore, 24 October 2005 - Do you know the latest catch phrase in town - "i like. i-mode"?   Have the colourful i-mode® street furniture and bus shelter along Orchard Road caught your eye?  Watch out for all these and more in StarHub's latest marketing campaign for the launch of its i-mode service in Singapore before the end of the year.


StarHub commenced its i-mode marketing campaign in October this year. This multi-faceted campaign aims to create visibility for the i-mode brand, as well as to communicate and create a desire for this fresh and exciting service.


Ms Tham Loke Kheng, Senior Vice President of Marketing at StarHub says, "We want to engage Singaporeans in the richness and relevance of the i-mode service.  We recognise that with an ever-busy lifestyle, our mobile customers now have a greater need for news and information on the move, as well as an appetite for entertainment and lifestyle services even when they're on the go.  With i-mode, mobile subscribers will be able to get quick, simple and consistent access to a rich world of mobile content and services that they can only dream of before."


"As such, the creative execution of the campaign is aimed at coveying the richness and variety that i-mode brings to our customers, whilst demonstrating its simplicity, ease of use, and most of all, just how fun it is", added Ms Tham.


This multi-faceted campaign involving different creative media strategies commenced on 8 October this year.  Customised i-mode street furniture bearing the "i like. i-mode" tagline  and logo was placed outside Shaw House, along Scotts Road.  Bare-bodied male dancers "wearing" hand-painted i-mode "shirts" and female talents dressed in i-mode apparel mingled with the weekend crowds along Orchard Road.  They danced to the beat of drums and distributed i-mode gift premiums to curious and appreciative crowds.   Progressively, more media touch points will be introduced to fully envelope Singaporeans in this new and unparalleled mobile experience.


Creative rationale for i-mode

Light-hearted and simple, the catchy "i like. i-mode" tagline  conveys many aspects of the i-mode service. Firstly, it reflects the simplicity and ease of the i-mode service experience.  But more importantly, it also recognises our customers as individuals who like different things. However, regardless of what they like, customers will definitely be able to "mode it" with the rich content and applications on i-mode.



This is a 360 degree media execution that spans TV, print, online, outdoor and point-of-sale execution. As the campaign unfolds, there will also be highly targeted media touchpoints to showcase the relevance of the i-mode service.  For example, i-mode cinema ticketing is promoted in cinema foyers together with Golden Village - one of StarHub's i-mode content partners.


More about i-mode

StarHub, Singapore's integrated info-communications provider and exclusive i-mode operator announced on 14 October this year, its partnership with some of the leading local and international content owners to offer StarHub's i-mode subscribers quick and easy access to an exciting array of infotainment content and transactional services.  These include Bloomberg, eBay South Asia, Golden Village, MediaCorp TV, MTV Networks Asia, OCBC Bank, SINA, Singapore Press Holdings, Yahoo! South-East Asia and ZUJI Singapore, which offer some of the compelling and relevant content and services that subscribers can enjoy shortly.


Already the world's leading mobile Internet service since its introduction in Japan in 1999, i-mode today offers over 7,100 official sites worldwide with thousands of applications for the enjoyment of more than 50 million mobile users globally. In Japan, in addition to the official i-mode sites, there are more than 93,000 independent sites.


i-mode and the i-mode logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of NTT DoCoMo, Inc. in Japan and other countries.