StarHub launches MobiTweet value-added service for Twitter access from the mobile phone
Customers can tweet all they want via SMS for free
Tweet your way to win daily cash prize at StarHub's TweetATreasure contest‪

Singapore, 5 October 2009 - As more people demand always-connected access to popular social networking sites such as Twitter, StarHub has started offering free SMS tweeting anywhere, anytime on any phone with the launch of the MobiTweet service.

"As an innovative mobile service provider that wants to empower our customers to interact on their social networks wherever they are and whenever they want to, StarHub introduced a social networking value-added service last month that offers free local data access to Facebook and Windows Live Messenger from supported handset models.‪ Hot on the heels is our new MobiTweet service that gives customers the freedom to tweet at their fingertips from any phone, allowing them to continuously follow Twitter updates by their friends, topics of interest or favourite celebrities."

MobiTweet via SMS is an intuitive way to send and receive tweets. It is as simple as sending and receiving SMSes which mobile users are long familiar with. No client is required to be installed in the phone to enjoy MobiTweet, and customers can use the service on any mobile phone since all phones support SMS.

Tweets received are free of charge and tweets sent are also free as they are automatically offset against the bundled SMS of their mobile voice plan (Excess SMS costs only $0.05 each when the bundled SMS is used up). Tweeting is totally free for customers on a student mobile voice plan that offers Free SMSes. Those on StarHub Mobile pre-paid service are able to receive tweets for free.

Regardless of where the customer is, he can tweet in real-time with an SMS sent to StarHub's Twitter Message Centre at "9000". The service also delivers SMS from the same number whenever there is a Twitter update from the people or topics the customer follows.

MobiTweet also allows Twitter users the flexibility to decide as and when they do not wish to receive tweets on their mobile phones by sending an SMS to "9000" with the respective command - SMS <TWPAUSE> to "9000" to temporarily stop receiving tweets and <TWRESUME> to resume. They can also pre-select a daily time period called Do-Not-Disturb-Hours, for example, 11pm to 7am during which all tweets will not be delivered to their mobile phones.

To start tweeting, customers simply register their mobile number and Twitter account online at StarHub's SMS Twitter webpage. They also select the people, topics or celebrities to follow on this webpage.

Twitter fans can also tweet on the move by logging on to StarHub's designated Twitter webpage on Gee! mobile Internet portal. This service is supported on any mobile phone with Internet access. No client is needed to be installed and no data traffic is charged for local access. To start tweeting, users simply go through a one-time registration of their Twitter account and mobile number.

Tweet your way to win cash prizes at StarHub's TweetATreasure contest‪
In conjunction with the launch of MobiTweet, StarHub has rolled a contest on Twitter called TweetATreasure. On a regular basis, there will be a challenge posted and the best tweet received will win $1,000. There is a different set of criteria for what constitutes `the best tweet' from challenge to challenge. As such, there will be an impetus to make a thoughtful, interesting and quality tweet. Participants can choose to tweet as many times as they like or spend their time working on one killer tweet.

This contest is open to anyone who is based in Singapore . To participate, the Twitterer must become a follower of StarHub's TweetATreasure page.