Central Singapore CDC and StarHub’s community partnership to level up learning opportunities and literacy for low-income children

Singapore, 18 March 2015—600 children from low-income families in the Central Singapore District are expected to benefit from the Nurture 2.0 Programme in 2015, thanks to main sponsor StarHub’s contribution of $250,000 from the StarHub Sparks Fund.

Nurture is a weekly volunteer-driven reading programme that provides learning opportunities and enables children from low-income families to level-up in their English language literacy. StarHub has been the main sponsor of the Nurture Programme over the last three years, making the programme available to more than 500 under-privileged children yearly.

In 2015, enabled by StarHub’s sponsorship for the fourth year, the programme will receive a ‘boost’ with five new modules to further enhance the children’s learning experience. This enhancement, known as Nurture 2.0, will cover topics on environment, IT, learning journeys, community service and free play, which will encourage learning through fun activities. The new modules will be rolled out to all 12 Nurture Centres in the Central Singapore District this year.

Said Ms Denise Phua, Mayor of Central Singapore District: “In serving the disadvantaged, it is critical that our efforts are targeted and sustainable. StarHub has been a steadfast partner to Central Singapore’s aspiration to ensure that no child, regardless of their background, is left behind. I am especially pleased that our partnership will be strengthened as we embark on an enhancement of the Nurture programme, with new booster learning modules that will value-add to the learning of the future generation.”

To commemorate the collaboration, 33 staff volunteers from StarHub took 188 Nurture beneficiaries on a fun-filled learning excursion to the Jurong Bird Park today. Besides taking in the colourful birds and lush flora, the children also learnt more about their natural environment through some simple activity sheets.

Such excursions, co-organised by volunteers from StarHub’s employees and Central Singapore CDC, expose the children to learning environments outside the classroom.

Mr Tan Tong Hai, StarHub, presented the cheque for the sponsorship to Guest-of-Honour Ms Denise Phua, Mayor of Central Singapore District at the event this morning.

“StarHub believes in giving back to the community by empowering individuals and groups within the community,” shared Mr Tan. “Families are basic but immensely important building blocks of society, and it is the children who need to be built up and nurtured as they are the future foundations of Singaporean families.

“Sometimes, some children need a little boost to catch up with their peers. That is why StarHub wholeheartedly supports the Nurture 2.0 programme in helping the children actualise their potential and enjoy the same opportunities as their peers. Only then can they realise their dreams and ambitions and grow up to make their own difference in society.”

Noting the setting, Mr Tan added: “Each child has his or her own talents. They just need a fertile environment to spread their wings and soar.”

One child who has benefitted from the Nurture programme is 12-year-old Abroysius Ng, who has been living with his grandmother and siblings after his parents’ divorce. Since attending the Nurture programme, Abroysius has shown improvement in his English language literacy, and is now able to read and write better. “I now enjoy reading storybooks in my free time, something in which I previously did not have interest,” he said.