Global executive search for new CEO

Singapore, 17 November 2017 – StarHub Ltd announced today that its CEO Tan Tong Hai will step down from his position and also relinquish his appointment as Executive Director of StarHub Ltd with effect from 1 May 2018. The Group is conducting a global executive search for its new CEO.

Tong Hai, 54, first joined StarHub in 1999 as General Manager of StarHub Internet. He then left to helm Pacific Internet and Singapore Computer Systems before returning to become StarHub Chief Operating Officer in January 2009. In March 2013, Tong Hai was promoted as CEO and Executive Director of StarHub.

“It has been an honour for me to lead the StarHub Group for the last nine years, five years as its CEO and four years as its COO. I have been fortunate to work with a dedicated and professional management team at StarHub, and the Board of Directors have been supportive in providing sound counsel to the management,” said Tong Hai. “I have achieved what I set out to do for StarHub to grow its Enterprise Business and I believe it is now the right time for me to step down to pursue my own interests.”

Tong Hai further added, “I am confident that the firm foundation that my management team and I have built for StarHub will continue to anchor StarHub’s future success and I look forward to working with the Board in its global executive search to ensure a smooth transition as I pass the baton to the next CEO to steer the Company successfully into the next lap.”

Under Tong Hai’s leadership, StarHub grew its enterprise business to more than $900m, transforming the company into more than a consumer and household brand. In 2013, Tong Hai pushed for the launch of Singapore’s first free-to-cable sports channel, SuperSports Arena. In 2014, StarHub launched the market-first integrated fibre and cable home broadband solution and commenced production of Public Service Broadcast content. In 2015, StarHub was ranked the world’s fastest 4G Network by Opensignal and it also rolled out its IPTV service in the same year, signaling the start of its transformation from a traditional Cable TV to that of a IPTV model. In 2016, StarHub was ranked the world’s 8th most sustainable company on Corporate Knights Global 100 most sustainable company. It also launched its Cyber Security Centre of Excellence in the same year. In 2017, StarHub opened its innovation centre and converged operations named Hubtricity. Tong Hai was also instrumental in growing the company with significant acquisitions and investments in profitable companies such as mm2 Asia and Accel Systems & Technologies.

“Tong Hai was chosen to lead StarHub given his extensive experience in the enterprise, regional IT, Internet and e-commerce industries. Under his leadership, StarHub has grown its enterprise business by more than two folds and has struck numerous strategic partnerships with established partners to give StarHub a global presence. At StarHub, Tong Hai is known for his pursuit of happiness for staff, shareholders and customers. He has been instrumental in instilling in the Company a culture dedicated to delivering strong customer experience,” said Terry Clontz, Chairman of StarHub.

“Tong Hai has agreed to remain with the Group till May 2018 to ensure a smooth transition as the Board Nominating Committee and Board conduct a global executive search for a new CEO, to lead StarHub to the next level. On behalf of the StarHub Board, I would like to express our gratitude towards Tong Hai for his near-decade long service to StarHub and his many invaluable contributions to the Group. We wish Tong Hai every success in his future endeavours,” added Mr Clontz.