Singapore, 18 September 2018 – StarHub’s in-house digital and social analytics hub Curiosity has been appointed as OCBC Bank’s social listening agency. Under this appointment, StarHub Curiosity is tasked to scour the web and social media platforms for public mentions of the brand. By employing up-to-date social media intelligence powered by StarHub Curiosity, OCBC Bank can easily tune in to the customer voice, identify topics that customers care about, and drive more meaningful conversations.

Prior to this account win, StarHub Curiosity provided topical social listening services for a few OCBC Bank campaigns. The scope included the gathering of key sentiments over set periods of time, enabling OCBC Bank to identify product enhancement areas, finetune campaign messages, and gain insights for future campaign development.

“Social media has grown to be the preferred platform for two-way conversations between brands and customers to take place freely,” said Mr Cedric Dias, Head of Digital Marketing, Consumer Financial Services Singapore, OCBC Bank. “For OCBC Bank, listening to our customers’ comments on social media platforms has thus grown in importance to render help directly and to better understand them. That is where StarHub’s digital and social analytics capabilities come in. Based on the pilot projects we have conducted together, they are able to generate useful insights from the raw social media data. To us, that is the important part as these insights will help us improve our social media engagement and even help during product development.”

“This spells an exciting time for StarHub Curiosity, clinching our first bank customer. We are honoured that OCBC Bank, having seen results from past ad-hoc projects, has selected StarHub Curiosity as its social listening agency,” said Mr Rod Strother, Vice President of Digital Experience, StarHub. “Organisations are increasingly seeing the value of social listening, and apart from servicing our biggest client which is ourselves, we hope to help many others adopt data-driven strategies to serve their customers better.”

With the rise of social media, the sheer amount of conversations taking place can make understanding a tedious process. As such, organisations are increasingly seeing the benefit of employing social media intelligence tools. Insights from these tools can aid in brand reputation management, act as an early alert for potential issues, and becomes a reliable feedback channel.

Launched last year to leverage insights for in-house stakeholders, StarHub Curiosity has expanded its social media analytics capabilities and with a dedicated team of analysts, now serves clients from the retail, fast moving consumer goods, and financial services industries.