StarHub Fixed Networks - Do's and Don'ts


  1. Do display the following in a prominent place at the work site for all contractors and personnel at the work site to refer to
    1. Section A & B for employees performing supervisory functions and above
    2. Section C for all employees involved in carrying out the earthworks
    3. The latest version of the Licensee’s service layout plan issued to the Earthworks Contractor;
    4. The latest version of the TCDW’s cable detection report showing the locations and routes of the Licensee’s telecommunication cables; and
    5. The “Notice for Commencement of Earthworks” submitted by the Earthworks Contractor to the Licensee.
  2. Do provide a competent full-time site supervisor to closely supervise the performance of the earthworks throughout the entire duration of the earthworks and ensure that the site supervisor is fully familiar with all the requirements stated in this document. Do keep the Licensee informed of any changes in key personnel such as the site supervisor, TCDW, etc.
  3. Do ensure that appropriate and adequate protection measures and methods of support are implemented to prevent damage to the Licensee’s telecommunication cables (including but not limited to such measures and methods as may be required by the Licensee) and conduct regular inspections and maintenance to ensure that the measures and methods that are implemented remain sound and effective throughout the duration of the earthworks.
  4. Do create a cable corridor using barricades and signposts where appropriate, and ensure that works and personnel movement inside the barricaded cable corridor are strictly controlled by the site supervisor.
  5. Do provide protective plates over trenches in which the Licensee’s telecommunication cables are located, so as to prevent pressure being exerted on the cables by heavy vehicles or machinery traversing over them.
  6. Do use earth mats instead of earth rods as far as possible. If earth rods have to be used, do ensure that they are driven into the ground away from the Licensee’s telecommunication cables.
  7. Do ensure that all contractors and personnel at the work site are fully briefed on the locations and routes of the Licensee’s telecommunication cables, including locations and routes of any diverted cables, throughout the entire vicinity of the proposed earthworks so that they are aware of the same. Do maintain records of all such briefings (including the date and time, venue, person conducting the briefing, contents of the briefing, and the names of the personnel who attended the briefing) and make them available to the Licensee upon request.
  8. Do grant the Licensee access to the work site to enable the Licensee to inspect the adequacy of the protection measures and methods of support implemented by the Earthworks Contractor, and to take any measures necessary to protect the Licensee’s telecommunication cables from damage.
  9. Do notify and obtain the Licensee’s prior written approval before any removing or dismantling any protection measures and methods of support for the Licensee’s telecommunication cables and/or before backfilling the Licensee’s telecommunication cables after the completion of the earthworks. It is recommended that Earthworks Contractors maintain photographic records of the entire dismantling and backfilling process.
  10. Do when demolishing, altering, shifting, severing or removing any tree, root, vegetation, rock, boulder, object, obstacle or other material (including man-made structures) which are within the vicinity of the Licensee’s telecommunication cables, take all necessary precautions and exercise all due diligence to protect the Licensee’s telecommunication cables from damage when carrying out such works;
  11. Immediately halt all works and report to the Licensee any damage or suspected damage caused at any point in time to
    1. The Licensee’s telecommunication cables; and/or
    2. The ducts, pipes or other infrastructure housing or encasing the Licensee’s telecommunication cables,

      So as to enable the Licensee to take early action to address any possible disruption in telecommunication services resulting from such damage. The report shall be lodged with the Licensee by calling StarHub’s 24-hour Operation Centre hotline at 6825 6640 and press 3 for Transmission, citing damage location. Early reporting could reduce the amount and cost of damage done.
  12. Do monitor the soil conditions at the work site and check once every six weeks for soil movement that may damage the Licensee’s telecommunication cables or cause the locations or routes of the Licensee’s telecommunication cables to be shifted or altered. Do provide appropriate and adequate soil control measures such as shoring and shuttering to prevent soil movement which may cause damage to the Licensee’s telecommunication cables.
  13. Do where requested to do so by the Licensee or any relevant authority (including the Info-communications Media Development Authority), furnish all documents and information required to be prepared, submitted or maintained by the Earthworks Contractor as referred to in this document.
  14. Do consult the Licensee and seek the Licensee’s assistance, in the event that the Earthworks Contractor encounters any difficulty in complying with any of the requirements stated in this document, whether due to site conditions or otherwise. Under no circumstance should the Earthworks Contractor ignore or circumvent any of the requirements and/or take matters into its own hands.



  1. Don’t take any short cuts or omit any of the steps and actions required to be taken in Section A before commencing with the earthworks. In the event of cable diversion, don’t take any action that may damage the Affected Cables unless and until all the steps and actions required to be taken in Section B have been carried out and express confirmation has been given by the Licensee that the Affected Cables have been diverted.
  2. Don’t assume that the Licensee’s telecommunication cables are only located at any particular maximum depth (e.g. 1.5m) as the telecommunication cables may be located much deeper.
  3. Don’t assume that the Licensee’s telecommunication cables run at a consistent depth throughout the entire vicinity of the earthworks as the depth of the telecommunication cables may vary (e.g. the telecommunication cables may be located very deep at the point where they under-cross a drain or canal, while being shallower elsewhere).
  4. Don’t assume that the Licensee’s telecommunication cables run in a straight-line path from manhole to manhole as the route of the telecommunication cables may detour or deviate (e.g. the telecommunication cables may be contoured around an existing underground feature).
  5. Don’t assume that all of the Licensee’s telecommunication cables are housed within a single pipe/duct as the telecommunication cables may be deployed in different sets of pipes/ducts within the same area. Accordingly, all telecommunication cables within the vicinity of the earthworks must be accounted for and verified.
  6. Don’t park or place heavy vehicles, equipment or machinery across, over or along the location and routes of the telecommunication cables.
  7. Don’t dig trial holes using machinery or manual equipment with sharp pointed edges.
  8. Don’t open, remove or cover up any of the Licensee’s manholes, equipment boxes or pedestal boxes with earth or any construction/building materials, equipment or machinery without obtaining the Licensee’s prior written approval.
  9. Don’t fence up or in any way prevent access to the Licensee’s manholes, equipment boxes or pedestal boxes without obtaining the Licensee’s prior written approval.
  10. Don’t ignore any damage, cover up any damage, or attempt to repair any damage or suspected damage caused at any point in time to
    1. The Licensee’s telecommunication cables; and/or
    2. The ducts, pipes or other infrastructure housing or encasing the Licensee’s telecommunication cables.

      The Earthworks Contractor must immediately report any such damage or suspected damage to the Licensee by calling StarHub’s 24-hour Operation Centre hotline at 6825 6640 and press 3 for Transmission, citing damage location. Early reporting could reduce the amount and cost of damage done.
  11. Don’t tamper with, remove, modify, dismantle or in any way interfere with the Licensee’s installation and plant, including
    1. The Licensee’s telecommunication cables;
    2. The ducts/pipes housing the Licensee’s telecommunication cables;
    3. Any concrete encasing the Licensee’s telecommunication cables or the ducts/pipes housing the telecommunication cables; and
    4. Any warning slab installed at the Licensee’s telecommunication cables or the ducts/pipes housing the telecommunication cables.

      Without obtaining the Licensee’s prior written approval.
  12. Note: The requirements stated in this document are not exhaustive. Additional requirements may be issued from time to time by the Licensee. These additional requirements, together with the requirements in this document, shall constitute the full set of requirements that must be complied with, by the Earthworks Contractor at all times, to prevent damage to telecommunication cables. Should you require any further clarification, please contact the Licensee at -

    Senior Manager, SHINE Infrastructure Department
    67 Ubi Avenue 1
    #03-01 StarHub Green
    Singapore 408942
    Tel: 6825 5000